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From October 30 2020 : Coronavirus-Covid19 : Services interrupted

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From March 17 2020 : Coronavirus-Covid19 : Services interrupted

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From March 15 2020 : Tourist Information Center Closed

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From August 04 2015 : A maritime setting to reclaim - the video !

In this new video clip, you will discover some pictures of the Mont-Saint-Michel, in a landscape profoundly restored, after 10 years of works (2005-2015). 

From July 09 2015 : The new access comes to life all summer long...

The Syndicat Mixte Baie du Mont-Saint-Michel creates a festival at the high season to declare the end of the works to restore the maritime character of the Mont-Saint-Michel : street art shows and three exhibitions. 

Click on the picture below to download the leaflet with the programme of events :


From April 28 2012 : A new story begins....

From the 28th of April 2012, no cars are to be parked at the bottom of the Mont-Saint-Michel anymore.

Read La Baie Magazine Special Edition

New Welcome Facilities

From the 28th of April 2012, the new Mont-Saint-Michel car park is due to welcome all vehicles : buses, cars, motorhomes and cycles.
The Passeur, is a reversible shuttle transporting you nonstop to the Mont. the Depatrure place is located next to the dam.
The Maringote, a horse-drawn shuttle, will be put in service later on this year. Until then, buses are to be put in place to transport visitors.

For all information on the car park or transort shuttles, visit the dedicated website www.accueilmontsaintmichel.fr

New Information Center

The Information Centre team is here to welcome you in, based at the centre of the car park, where the paths to the Mont-Saint-Michel meet. Why not stop and fi nd out everything you need to know about the new access, the operation to restore the maritime character of the Mont-Saint-Michel and the current projects. Agents are also available to provide you with information on the Mont-Saint-Michel Bay, the places to visit and its discovery activities.

More information in the Organise your visit area.

On July 19 2011 : Three minutes to discover the project!

The whole project in only three minutes-time : please, watch the video in the Tourism Area.

From July 01 2011 to August 31 2011 : Guided tours of the dam

From 1 July to 31 August, tours of the dam on the Couesnon will take place every day at 3 p.m. and 5 p.m.. 1 hour tours, free, registration and departure information pavilion (reserved only for individuals). -speakers Facilitators help you discover the dam and hydro as a work of art in book service restore the maritime character of Mont Saint-Michel.

More information ...

On June 29 2011 : Opening of the new car parc on the 28th of april 2012

The new car park on the mainland is due to open on the 28th of april 2012. At that time, the all new approach (car park, shuttles...) will be ready to welcome visitors.

Public service delegation (PSD):

36 million Euro, with a contribution from the Syndicat Mixte and the State of 12.3 million Euro, through an equipment grant.
Duration: 33 months’ construction and 10 years’ operation.
Launch: 28th April 2012
Contract holder: Veolia Transport
Parteners: Colas (construction), Alfred Peter (landscaping), Contrac (Passeur shuttles) and MTM (Maringote shuttles).

Car Park

4 150 parking lots, including 640 free spaces for Montois ans employees,74 spaces for desabled people, 228 spaces for camping-cars and 100 spaces for tourism coaches.

Group drop-off by coach near the Information Centre: €15 (free if parking at the car park).
Free access to hotels and restaurants at la Caserne if pre-booked (24 hours).

Individual vehicles (24 hours) €8.5 / Private coach €55 / Camper van / Minibus €12.50 / Motorbike €3.5 / Free for bicycles (bike spaces are also available near the dam).
Parking less than one hour: 3 Euro, free for less than half an hour.
Annual season ticket (for Mont lovers): 34 Euro.
Pontorson car park (ex PSD): 50 spaces near the train station, free parking.

Transport shuttles :

Leaving the shuttle bus departure site (Place des navettes), near the dam:
Passeur shuttles:
5 free shuttles running on tyres, 95 seats, free access from the shuttle bus departure site.
Frequency: from 8am to 1am, departure every 3 to 4 minutes in summer, every quarter of an hour maximum in mid-winter, journey time 6 minutes.
Maringote shuttles:
6 50-seater shuttles accessible from the shuttle bus departure site, 4 Euro per single trip or 6.50 Euro return for adults, 2 Euro per single trip or 3.25 Euro return for under-14s, free for under-4s.
Frequency: low season from 11am to 5pm, departure every 15/20 min, journey time 15/20 minutes. high season (july and august, also specific weekends) from 10am to 8pm, departure every 5 min, journey time 15/20 minutes.

Leaving the car park:
Montoise shuttles:
5 free 20-seater minibuses for disabled people, residents of the Mont, employees and Bay's guides. Frequency: service on request, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Leaving Pontorson train station:
The Pontorson-Le Mont shuttle:
3 70-seater coaches, 2 Euro single trip per person. Frequency: according to train timetable.

Services :

Luggage locker €2. Kennel €7 (access to the abbey and shuttles is not authorised for animals). Rest room for drivers. Comfort areas (toilets, baby changing facilities, infirmary, etc.).

On June 10 2011 : Discover the new version of the site! Experience the major projects!

Photos and video clips to discover, plans and explanations to understand and documents to deepen knowledge: the Works section deals with all current or future projects and all project follow-up (environment and hydro-sedimentary). Do not miss the 360° video sequences that provide an amazing view over the Mont and the bay: it’s just like being on the Altibreizh dirigible!

The new features include an accelerated film of one day of tides at the Mont-Saint-Michel, produced by ZORILLA Production from the tip of the Abbey on 18th May 2011!

Position yourself in space and time

The projects will increase in 2011. The interactive work map and timetable will enable you to position the developments in space and find their progress over time.

Get to the heart of the project

Why we need to act provides an illustrated four-page summary of a sustainable development project for the Mont-Saint-Michel: its major objectives, the works and developments which will help to return to the lost maritime character, the careful and rigorous follow-up in the field and the partners who have come together to make the operation possible.

Preparing your visit to the Mont-Saint-Michel

A new direct access section is now available: Organising your visit presents the visitor information building (free access open to all, Tourisme et Handicap Label).

Sign up for commented tours of the dam, an architectural and hydraulic work that is reducing the sand build-up around the Mont. Find out about the current access conditions to the Mont. And soon there will be a practical site dedicated to preparing your visit, established with Veolia transport.

Get ahead for 2012!

Everything will change at the Mont-Saint-Michel on this date, with a new car park on the continent, reception (information and services), pedestrian routes with interpretation panels for the Mont and the bay and free or horse-driven shuttles. Visitors will have the reception that the site deserves and new view points (new dam, seating at the shuttle departure site, etc.).

Other sections are available, especially the dam water release times, the media library and the online shop.

On February 12 2011 : Information center: everything you need to know for the 2011 season!
The information building opened its doors for the 2011 tourist season on Saturday 12th February until 13th November included.

The dam was opened to the public on the same day.

All the new features are presented in the leaflet for download.

Discover the Information center.